Sacred Grounds Cafe, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2020
DREAMS - an exhibition and dinner at Sacred Grounds Cafe.
With work by:
Tommy Sveningsson
Emilie Palmelund
Roger Smeby
Fredrik Andersson Andersson
Coleman Mummery
James Berkley
Marcos Velez
Curated by Lauren Johnson
Poster artwork by Tommy Sveningsson Poster design by Coleman Mummery Pictures by Natasha Shnaper
All proceeds go to the Boys and Girls Club
In a deep red rocked canyon, shaded with pines old and towering, stands a small cafe, Sacred Grounds. Behind this cafe lies a garden, it’s sacred ground.
Let’s listen to what the sacred ground is saying. Let’s listen to its flowers, insects, dirt, and the rocks and trees that look on:
We hear the garden’s hourly changes, day and night, the great flow of the seasons. We see the simple splendor of plants in bloom. We feel the hardness of the primeval rock, the slow and deliberate growth of the trees. All of this flows through and penetrates our daily existence.
How can we get to know each other, the garden and us? How can we interweave the garden’s subconscious whisper and the swift conscious scream that commands our daily life? We must abolish the frontier.
This is our new pact, great things end and small things endure. We look at our garden now and experience the foundation of life :
A horse, garbed in roses red, waits outside the garden wall. The garden people wear fantastic hats and feast upon food and drinks from Kentucky. A stone strewn with flowers commemorates the life of a man that died before his time. Gems shimmer in the frog fountain and bird bath while paintings and tapestries hang from trees. Past, present, future; conscious and subconscious collide here. Our garden transcends limits.
Sorta like a dream. No, better.
© Lauren Johnson 2025 Site designed by Axis Mundi Productions